

If you expect to keep your cigars for longer than two weeks, at most, you will absolutely require a humidor to keep them fresh.


The optimal conditions to keep your cigars in tip-top shape are a temperature of 70°F (21°C) at 70% moistness. We recommend investing in a hygrometer and thermometer to make sure you have total control over the conditions within your humidor to make your cigars smoke perfectly.


In the event that you do not store your cigars correctly, you could find yourself experiencing any number of issues, whether it be an unpleasant taste, a cracked or broken wrapper, excessively fast and uneven burning, or just simply keeping your stogie lit. You can also avoid tobacco bugs by purchasing a humidor!


With a humidor, you can rest assured, knowing your cigars will be kept safe and ready-to-smoke.

Here are some essential tips when it comes to caring for and maintaining your humidor:



  1. Do not store your humidor in direct sunlight. This may fade the wood and alter the humidor’s temperature.
  2. Do not put the humidor close to any sources of excessive heat or excessive cold as this could also alter the humidor’s temperature.
  3. Do not set objects on top of the humidor.
  4. Store your humidor on a flat surface to ensure the device cannot shift around and potentially break.



  1. Clean your humidor with a soft fabric.
  2. Furniture shines can be used to keep the outside of the device clean and it’s good practice to perform regular dustings over the device as well.
  3. Never use any general cleaning products inside of the humidor. Their chemicals or even odors can potentially ruin your cigars.


Please note table humidors go in and out of stock quickly. Please check back regularily!